News and Information
The world of Payroll can be confusing at times, particularly as legislative changes and updates happen so frequently.
National Minimum Wage
The National Minimum Wage is set by the Government based upon advice from the Low Pay Commission.
The Complexities of Holiday Pay
It is that time of year again but holidays can be a stressful time and can also cause issues within payroll.
Making Payments to HMRC to Complete a National Insurance Record
Tax payers have the option to make payments to HMRC to complete their National Insurance record.
Payroll Highlights for April 2023
There are a few changes arriving in April but so far no big announcements and hopefully some stability for next year.
Salary Advances
An ad hoc payment would normally be reported to HMRC with the rest of the payroll on or before the usual pay date.
Starter Declarations for New Employees
As previously announced HMRC are going to be placing greater importance on the starter declarations for new employees.
HMRC Direct Debits
HMRC plan to introduce a recurring Direct Debit for employer PAYE payments.
What to do with a late P45?
The P45 is a document presented to employees when they end their employment and contains information about tax and student loans.
New National Insurance Categories April 2022
There are several new National Insurance categories to be introduced from this April, most are related to the new freeports but there is also one for qualifying veterans. All of the new categories carry relief for employer’s National Insurance contributions.
Coronavirus Covid 19 Updates
General Updates on the challenges of Payroll during the Pandemic.
The Extended Furlough Scheme part 1
The furlough scheme is to be extended for a further month from the 1st November 2020.
Employment Allowance and Furlough Pay
You cannot claim Employment Allowance against furloughed workers, and this is for the whole of the tax year.
Furlough Claim Changes from August
Furlough claims are changing from August as you can no longer claim for employer’s National Insurance Contributions or pension payments, so the amount that can be claimed is reducing.
NI and Pension Calculations For Furloughed Workers
There are changes proposed with the way employer’s National Insurance is calculated for the period of July. The proposal is more in line with the original guidance issued up to the 20th April.
Flexible Furlough
As part of the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme from 1st July 2020 workers can return to work on reduced hours whilst remaining furloughed.

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